
試験!試験そして試験! 今日と明日に大きい試験が4つあります。出来ると良いのですが・・・



Exams, exams and exams! Today and tomorrow are the big ones. I hope I manage…..

The mess I make on my desk when I study makes me feel like I am really doing being resourceful……

韓国人がよくする質問 Questions Koreans ask




1何歳ですか2 お仕事は何ですか3.結婚していますか。




On Friday we started a new chapter in our Korean reader. It is a chapter on Korean Culture. The reading is titled “questions Koreans ask”.

The three most common questions people ask when they first meet someone are-

How old are you? What work do you do? Are you married?

These are all frustrating questions to a newcomer.

There does seem to be a decent in motive behind these questions as  Koreans are extremely friendly and outgoing.

In a relationship in Korea, first it must be established who is the more senior, this factor will determine the type of language used in the relationship, different nouns, different particles…different everything if you ask me!  Etiquette is strict and there are no exceptions to the rule. If you are one year older than your new friend they must use polite language to you. If you are married that bumps you up to a more senior status to that means you are treated with more respect. Thus the nosey questions!

行き先が分からない散歩と広蔵市場のチジミ  A long walk and Kwanghyang market cornmeal pancakes



Yesterday after finishing 2 exams I felt like a walk. I am planning on studying all weekend so I departed on a walk and found myself at the Kwangjang Markets near Dongdaemun. It is an area well known for kimchi, and fresh food. The Korean pancakes made from cornmeal that was ground on the spot looked so yummy…..Koreans really love to eat! Where ever you go there is food, food and more food!

農協本部の地下にあるスーパー Nonghyup COOP and a supermarket in it’s main building





You can find something new just around every corner of Seoul. Just up the road there is the Korean Agriculture – NH Nonghyup- a type of COOP. I have been walking passed it day after day and yesterday I noticed a few women come out of the building with supermarket bags. I decided to follow their trail and to my surprise found a really neat supermarket with cut throat prices in the basement. All products are endorsed by Nonghyup too. I wasn’t planning on finding this place so I wasn’t prepared with my camera….the photos were taken on returning home!

試験中 Exams!





Our exams start again today! We have to sit for 6 exams, I have been studying but there is so much to do!

Today we have an oral reading exam, sounds easy but my throat is sore from all the practice.

Tomorrow we have a “role play exam”, we have had to make up 3 longish dialogues with our buddies on set topics, tomorrow our teacher will inform us which one to do perform. Stress!! I really shouldn’t even be doing this blog when I have to study!

Yesterday our teacher who has taught a lot of students over the years commented that studying Korean, and living in Korea is a lot of stress. I understand that…. I feel tired all the time and to keep myself from getting sick is a constant battle…. At the moment I can only look after myself.

手作りチョコレットと素敵なカップルとの出会い Handmade choclates and meeting a gorgeous couple

昨日はソウルで素敵なカフェに行って来ました。延世語学堂で知り合ったオーストラリア人男性が経営しているカフェに招待されて、フランス人のDavid さんと一緒に行って来ました。カフェはAllenさんと素敵なパートナーのJimmyさんで共同経営しています。手作りのチョコレットにお店で作られたチュロズと美味しいコーヒーを飲みながらふっとオーストラリアに居るような気がしました。心の温かいAllenさんとJimmyさんありがとうございました。帰り隣に住むDavidさんに便利の交通方を教えて下さった。新鮮な魚をその場で食べれる話が出ました。是非Jimmyさんの運転で一緒に西海岸に行ってアワビを食べましょうね・・・


Yesterday I got to experience a little bit of Australia in Seoul. Recently I met Allen at the KLI , an Australian who runs a café in Seoul. He kindly invited David (my French neighbor) and me to visit, so after classes we all set off in a taxi. Allen and his adorable partner Jimmy run the café together. Hand-made chocolates, hand-made churos, coffee and warm hospitality made me think of Australia. Many thanks to Allen and Jimmy and to David for bringing me home on the right bus! Next year I really hope we can visit the West Coast and eat abalone….

眼を楽しませるイルミネーション Department stores all “lit up”



From the beginning of November the department stores in my area have displayed this great illumination “show” for everyone to enjoy. I must admit you do appreciate it more when it is cold!

お譲さん二人と蒸し豚・・・ Two lovely ladies and steamed pork….






Two lovely employees have come to visit. Seoul is so cold and the trees are now bare I feel sorry for them but they seem to be enjoying themselves.

I was surprised to find out that one of the ladies has been studying Korean for a long time and is actually quite good The other lady used to be a dietician and is incredibly interested in Korean food. People who love food are always great cooks. I bet when she goes back to Japan friends and family are going to get a taste of Korean food too….

I have retired as a guide here, so have just had an occasional meal with these two lovely ladies. Today we went to my favourite steamed pork restaurant. The kind owner was so pleased to see us she gave us Korean pancake on the house…….

It all tasted so good…..


私の自慢したいこと・・・Something I really want to boast about!

出来た!出来た!本当に出来た!!朝鮮日報に記載されている友人のMin Jin Lee

さん の記事を最初から最後まで読みました!読めました!2ヵ月前なら読めませんでした!やはり進歩!



I did it! I really did it! I managed to read Min’s newspaper article from start to finish AND comprehend it! In Min’s article she writes about the high incidence of suicide in Korea and the failure of society to take heed of the problem when national pride is high, Korean history is poignant, it has been one of surmounting one hardship after another. Min also gives an honest account of losing the sight in her right eye only to be told the problem was psychosomatic. Min refers to her own life as a “walk in the park” compared to her parent’s lives and couldn’t comprehend why she the more fortunate should would suffer a stress related disease. Counseling helped her emotionally and her sight returned. Another thought provoking article of Min’s….

参政権と馬鹿にされる連続  The right to vote and to being mistreated again….

外国人参政権は又国会で議論もされ又延期になったそうです。やる、やらない、やる、やらない の馬鹿にされている連続です。行政的なことになると何一つ前に進まない国は日本です。特に外国人に関する問題となれば尚更無関心のまま。今回の論議では「参政権が欲しいなら日本に帰化をしろ」とか言う議員が居るそうです。私も大賛成!!二重国籍を認めましょう!前政権では二重国籍を認めるような法案が提出をされる話がありました。民衆党になっても話だけで又終わるでしょう?二重国籍法案を論議して法案を通過しても時間が非常に掛りそう!30年待ったら良いでしょうか?韓国では二重国籍を認める提案が出ました。この国では話が出た時点で決まったようなものです。韓国はどんなことに関しても導入は早い。日本?島国だから閉鎖的だと国民で言い訳をしているうちに世界に追い抜かれる・・何もかも遅いよ!・・もう遅すぎたところまで来たのではないでしょうか?それに誰も気がついていないのが日本の甘さね


The right to vote in local elections for foreigners has once again been briefly debated and shelved again, just like telling a child you will give them candy and take it away when it shows interest…. Everything is stagnant in Japan, nothing moves ahead particularly if it regards the rights of foreigners. In the current debate a particular politician said that if foreigners want the vote they should have Japanese citizenship. Good point! Well? How about dual citizenship? A change in the law to allow dual citizenship was proposed by the previous government, but it won’t happen in a hurry even if it happens at all. Talk, talk and more talk… In Korea as soon as changes to the law are proposed there is a sure likelihood it will become law, a change to the nationality law to allow dual nationality is high on the agenda here in Korea where things actually do change and the country rolls ahead at a fast pace. Watch out Japan! You don’t realize how far behind you are!