Amazing people. 凄い人・・・・・

Lilli Marcs

Today, daughter, and very sweet sister in law  and I went off to another bridal boutique………I was really impressed with the owner- a 70 year old East European “grandma” who designs, sews, sells, but she only started doing bridal wear 3 years ago and is now one of the most renowned bridal couturier tailors in Australia! How impressive is that? Unfortunately she is now too busy to do “mother of the bride”…..

今日、長女と大好きな義理妹と3人軍団で又 ウェデングドレス探しに行きました。 午後訪ねた、予約のみのブーティックの経営者兼デザイナー兼縫いこさんが、東ヨロッパ出身の70歳の女性でした。たった3年前、ブライダルに転身して、今 オーストラリアで3番目に有名なブランドになっている!気さくな話しやすいお婆ちゃんは本当に凄いと思いました。元気、たくさん頂きました!

Amazing DNA?




I hear there people who doubt my story, so I am posting this photo again as PROOF! My great great grandmother gave birth to 17 children. Only one child died in childhood and most lived to a ripe old age….my great grandfather was 97 when he passed away. This other photo is of my great grandfather with his siblings in old age. Amazing DNA ??

親孝行の息子 A filial son.

Champagne glass次男は6月 外資系に就職して 初めて給料が出ました。今夜、私達を 食事に連れて行ってくれるそうです。親孝行の息子で 朝から 嬉しいです!内定済みの長男も 良い刺激になるでしょう・・


Our youngest son, started work in June, he has received his first pay and today he is taking us out to dinner. So excited….

Elder son, starts work next year, I hope he is taking notes!!

Happy Father’s Day!! 父の日おめでとう!!

Happy Father’s Day to all fathers and grandfathers, and to all men who have taken on caring roles like fathers to others……thank you.
Last night at Mass the fathers took the stage for a blessing……

父の日 おめでとうございます。優しいお父さんと お爺ちゃん、そして、父のように 他者に接する素晴らしい男性に敬を示す・・・ありがとうございます。
昨晩の おミサで お父さん方が台の上に上がり 祝福をして貰いました。Fathers-Day-Cards-2013-4 写真 (15)

良いお父さんの条件 How to be a good father..

Chinese girl from one of the Japanese Army's '...

Chinese girl from one of the Japanese Army’s ‘comfort battalions’ (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

あるブログのコメントを 読み、涙が出るほど感銘うけたので 紹介します。
戦後、日本に こんな男性が 多かったのではないでしょうか。
うちの父も (kei)




I read the following comment on a blog, I felt moved enough to introduce it here…

My Dad,

My Dad had a tough upbringing so he valued education, his political views always put the weak first, he respected the rights of women, he despised wars and crime, he worked for his family and a better society, he was never selfish, he never showed off, and he was loved by his family. In his last days, he was nursed by my mother, and to many he may seem like a very unimpressive man, but I am proud to be called his daughter.

I wonder and I worry about the conversations Hashimoto will be having with his daughter…

A birthday party…..

Naomi, Danny birthday 017 Naomi, Danny birthday 002長女と長男の3月の合同誕生日会を シドニーの ハーバーブリッジの近くのレストランでしました。長女が 31歳、長男が 24歳・・・私たちは 少し年を取った気持ちです。

我が家は面白いですね。長男、長女が 3月生まれ、次男、次女が 7月生まれ・・・

しかし、今回のような 合同誕生日会は 初めてです。どんなに 離れても 一人ずつして上げるのが 我が家の 方針でした。 もう、大きくなったので 許してね!!


We had a combined birthday party for Daughter 1 and Son 1….. at a beautiful restaurant just under the Harbour Bridge in Milson’s Point. 31 and 24 years old. Wow! I guess that means that we are getting old?? Our family is quite interesting- daughter 1 and son 1 have their birthdays in March and daughter 2 and son 2 have their birthdays in July. This is the first time we have ever held a combined birthday party. I guess they will forgive us? They are getting older………

フリーマケットで 見つけた中古本 Finding an amazing book at a market.

March Sydney 004 March Sydney 006 March Sydney 007 March Sydney 005 March Sydney 008 March Sydney 009

妹と一緒に シドニーの フリーマケットで デートして、凄い古本を見つけました。


何と 1937年に出版した “Japan Over Asia” (アジアを支配する日本)。作者は William Henry Chamberlin- 1897-1969. アメリカの 歴史学者兼ジャナリスト。1935年ごろ キリスチャンサエンスモニター新聞の特派員として 東洋で暮し、当時、日本の軍国主義について 報道をされたそうです。


当事者が 報道する内容なので 読むのが 楽しみです・・・




I have been off to the local markets with my sister. I picked up an amazing book- “Japan Over Asia” published in 1937 by William Henry Chamberlin  (1897 –  1969), an American historian and journalist. In the mid―1930s Chamberlin was posted to East Asia as a correspondent for The Christian Science Monitor and wrote Japan Over Asia based on what saw of Japanese militarism.


I can’t wait to read it!


Happy International Women’s Day….


国際 女性デーです。女性同志、おめでとう!勇気のある、賢い先人が獲得してくれた


権利を忘れなく・・1904年3月8日アメリカ合衆国ニューヨークで、女性労働者が婦人参政権を要求してデモを起こしたのが 始まりでした。




Happy International Women’s Day sisters!! Let us remember that our rights as women were earned by the brave and intelligent women who walked the road before us, it all started on 8th March in New York in 1904 by working women who demanded the vote.

Its our day!