褒められて嬉しい!!Nice to be praised

The University of Sydney, established in 1850,...

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昨日は教授と 論文の最終打ち合わせー後の

相談や訂正の指導はメールで済むそうです。一時間ほど 色々と話をしました。何と私の勉強に対する態度や出来が 他の博士学生より良いそうです!!早めに提出もするし、読みやすくて、分かりやすいそうです。楽しみなが研究しているのが伝わるそうです!「ご親切なコメントありがとうございます」と言ったら」「親切に伝えているのではなくて 本当だぞ!」と言われました!キャ!誰にも負けない努力はこんなことかしら???仕上げに一か月が掛かります・・・・頑張ろう!!やはり 褒められるのは良いですね!


Yesterday I went to see my dissertation supervisor at
Sydney University. It will probably be our last meeting until I hand it in in
early October. Until then everything else can be done through emails. A very
fruitful meeting, I was informed that my work is far better than any of the
other PhD students he is supervising and he can also tell I enjoy my research by
my easy to read writing style and the depth of my research. I replied “you are
very kind” and he retaliated with “ I am not being kind, your work is very good”
!!! Yeah! Everyone likes to be praised…..one more month! I am in the home
stretch now.

ホっとしたこと・・A relief!

論文の入門論と一緒に書くとっても大事な文献レビューが非常に書きにくいものと聞いた。書き出したら結構 簡単だと気が付いたことに 超不安になりました。大事なことを間違えたのではないか 寝れない日々・・・昨夜、教授から「とっても 読みやすくて素晴らしいものが出来ました」との連絡がありました。今度は嬉しくて 寝れなかった!!


Was a little worried (loss of sleep) as I didn’t find writing the literature review for my dissertation, difficult
but supervisor has told me it is very good and interesting….good enough to
make it into my introduction instead of doing it separate. Relief!! One
less thing to do.

近所のイタリア料理 Italian restaurant in our neighbourhood

Meatballs 4
Image via Wikipedia


。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。 Last night we took ourselves off to La Cassa Ristorante in Russell Lea….1 hour walk there and back to make up for the calories. The food, service and the prices were fantastic….we will definitely be going back! Can’t believe how good their famous meatballs were….evidently the mother of the owner comes in every day to make them as she doesn’t trust otheers to do it….the real thing!!http://lacasaristorante.com.au/

海外に行きたがらない若者 Young Japanese who don’t want to study overseas…

Harvard Museum of Natural History complex

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この前 シドニー大学の教授から聞きました。韓国の学生の は 中国人より

勉強に対する 真面目さ、勤勉さと意欲が目立つ。日本人の存在感がないのでコメント無し・・・これで良いかしら?その話を聞いてから 今日エコノミスト(経済雑誌)で今年 ハーバード大学を卒業した学生が一人・・・ええ?どうになっているの??シドニー大学でも確かに日本人学生が少ない・・友人が一人居るけど さみしいらしい・・・

日本の若者?それだけ 海外を無視して 日本に将来性があるかしら?がっかり!!



A few days ago I heard from an academic at Sydney
University that Korean students have been praised for their hard work and their
overall academic performance….they are seem to be performing far better than
Chinese students. As for Japanese students….well, there aren’t enough students to
even comment about….

Then today I read an article in the Economist….evidently
there was ONE Japanese student who graduated from Harvard this year….so what
has Japan got planned for its future??



正義?以前、違法的に 民政員が 真実を聖書で宣言させたこと を伝えました。昨日法政省から 私の問い合わせ(苦情)について 回答がありました。ちゃんと 調べて下さるそうです・・・やはり言うことを言わないと・・・


In a former entry I blogged about the JP who forced me to swear on the Bible….
After the incident I contacted the N.S.W Attorney General and Justice Department to
complain. They registered my complaint and are now looking into the matter.
Justice! You do have to speak up!

嬉しい朝 A great morning.

This is a picture of an Antoccino, which is a ...
Image via Wikipedia

一番嬉しいことに 体調がよくなり 体力が戻って来た・・・
Yesterday was the worst morning ever. I got up find out that my Nespresso espresso maker had died…..oh no! Rest in Peace…. I had to have instant coffee….revolting. A few hours later I was back from the shops with a brand new (and slimmer looking) Nespresso espresso maker.
This morning was the best morning ever…. I had my coffee and even better….I have taken off 3 kilograms since I started my diet 6 weeks ago! Yeah!!! I am starting to feel so much better and energized too!

日本に旅行しよう・・・Lets travel to Japan

The street of Tsukiji, Tokyo, Japan. Photo tak...

Image via Wikipedia

地震以来 日本を避けるオーストラリア人が 確かに多いです。そこで日本を応援しようとして・・・今週 民間テレビで 日本の観光案内や安売りの航空券の紹介をする・・・今日は築地の案内でした・・・毎日が楽しそう・・・たくさんの人が行く気になれば良いですね・・・・


the earthquake Australians have been avoiding travelling to Japan. So…. Channel
7 is trying to change the situation around and this week they are giving
tourist tips and advertising cheap airfares…this morning they are presenting
Tsukiji– looks good. I hope everyone packs their bags and goes!

シドニーで北京ダック Peking Duck in Sydney…

A Peking Duck.
Image via Wikipedia

昨日、長男が珍しく 帰って来てくれました。 そこで・・・長女、長男、次男と弟夫婦と一緒に 郊外の中華街に行き 北京ダックを食べて来た・・・お気に入りのお店で 安くて美味しくて・・・又行こうと!!


Yesterday the prodigal son returned so
accompanied by my brother and his lovely partner 6 of us went off for Peking
Duck in a the Eastwood Garden Peking Restaurant…..as always the food was
fantastic and cheap….we are going back again!!

長いトネルで光が見えて来た・・I can see the light at the end of the tunnel!

The Dissertation

Image via Wikipedia

万歳!!昨日、論文の本論を提出しました!色々と訂正があるでしょうけど・・・とりあえず 嬉しいです!これから5週間ほど掛けて訂正、入門論、文献レビュー、方法論と結論・・最後は印刷屋に出します・・・真面目で

教授に褒められた・・・取りあえず・・長いトネルの向こうで 光が見えて来た感じ!!


Yesterday I finished the body of my dissertation
and sent it off to my supervisor. Yeah!! I am sure there will be things to
change but the biggest work is over…. In the next 5 weeks I will do the introduction,
the literature review, the methodology and the conclusion. My supervisor said
he wished all students were as ideal as me….anyway at least now I can see the
light at the end of the tunnel!

国家と宗教分離 A division of church and state

Signing the marriage certificate

Image by quinn.anya via Flickr

びっくりした!!昨日、韓国人配偶者ビザ申請のために友人に頼まれ、宣誓供述書を書きました。内縁関係であっても実情夫婦と同様に暮らしてきた証明をする内容でした・・・ 正式な供述書 になるために Justice of the Peace に証明をして頂かないといけません・・・日本で言えば民政員ですが こちらでは数が 多いです。近くの商店街に 一人が居ると聞き、さっそく 行って来ました。スコットランドのグーズ中心の商店(スコット系の民族服)の経営者で最初は 気持ちよく 受けれてくれた(当然だけど・・・)、細かいことを言い過ぎた後に出されたのは聖書・・・「聖書に手を置きなさい」と言われ・・いきなり・・「この内容は真実ですか、聖書に誓えますか」と言われ、びっくりして[yes]と言いました。又、いきな、大きい声で「聖書に誓い、真実ですと言いなさいよ」と言われた・・・何だ。国家と宗教の分離は??私がキリスト教の信者じゃなかったら失礼!堅信な信者の私でも許せない!多文化性のオーストラリアではダメだ!!


民政員は内容に目を触れてはいけません・・・あれだけ排外的な考えを持っている人なら内容にびっくりしたでしょうね?オーストラリア人と韓国人の同性愛者のビザ申請のための内容でした!ザマ見ろう!!オーストラリアでは 結婚は未だ出来ないけど 内縁関係の同性愛者は異性と同権です。素敵な二人だから 幸せになって欲しい・・・・


goodness sake… a special friend is applying for a spouse visa for his partner
to come to Australia. I wrote out a Stat Doc.,stating I had known them as a
couple and went in search of a JP, I heard there was on in Drummoyne who ran
the Scottish shop….he was quite nice when I went in but then started being
really fussy about things that didn’t matter. Then when all was done he pulled
out a Bible, shoved it in my hand and said “do you swear on the bible that this
is the truth”? I replied “yes” and then he yelled “ say- I swear on the Bible
that this is the truth”. Now, you can’t say I am not religious BUT I do believe
in the division of church and state. Since when do they need a Bible? What if I
am not a Christian? No place for behavior like that in multicultural Australia!
Disgusting!! I came home and checked it on NSW Law website and there is no requirement
for swearing the truth. JPs do no read the content but wonder how he would have
felt if he knew it as a stat dec for a multiracial gay couple!!It has bad Karma
so I am going to do it again and find someone decent to help