先輩からの注意・ Advice from our elders

先輩からの注意・ Advice from our elders

Sometimes we need to heed the advice of our elders. An 85 year old gentleman who was training to be a kamikaze fighter narrowly escapes death with the war ending. He advises young men never to fall into the same trap.

逃げ場が無くなるとこう云うことになる。When there is no where else to run, you have to start fabricating the facts.

2月20日の国会中継!歴史歪曲オンパレード! 逃げ場が無くなると歴史を知らない偉い議員さんたちがこんなことを言い出す。ご注意!非常に聞き苦しい!

20th February, Diet session regarding more denials on Japanese military involvement and comfort women, twisting the truth over and over again because Japan has nowhere left to run….http://www.shugiintv.go.jp/jp/index.php?ex=VL&deli_id=43544&media_typeImage