外国人の名字についての呼び方と豚ちゃんのお供え Respect for people’s surnames and pigs at Shaman temples






“When in Rome do as the Romans do”, is one of my favourite sayings. I have lived in Japan for over 30 years but the same thing still bugs me….people calling me by my first name when Japanese would never do it to themselves. I find it incredibly frustrating and incredibly rude. Even when my name is written in “katakana” people can’t be bothered making the effort to read it. I don’t think Japanese people understand that in the West you have to be given permission to use someone’s first name?

In Korea hierarchy is important and protocol is strict. Yesterday I had lunch with one of my (handsomeウインク) professors to discuss an important matter, he is younger than me but I address him as Prof K. This morning in reply to the matter we discussed in his email he told me I could call him “A…..” but not in the classroom. That makes everything easy. I have never had one frustrating experience regarding my name in Korea. At university people ask me how I would like to be called, I tell them “Susan” but because I am older they always add the honorific to my name. At banks and other service outlets I am always called with my surname.

Maybe Japanese English textbooks have confused Japanese about the correct use of first names? They have got it soooo wrong and it is insulting.

P.S. The pictures are from our field trip to a Shaman temple yesterday. The piggy is/was to appease the spirits. Hope it worked….星

嬉しい携帯電話と優しい友人 Happiness with a mobile phone and kind friends ringing…



I’m feeling more human! Yes! I finally have a mobile phone. It is extremely hard for foreigners to get a mobile plan in Korea. It takes a proper visa and a foreigner’s registration card….it did take a 4 weeks but now I feel I have more freedom. The nicest thing about having a mobile phone is having lovely Korean friends ring and say “ are you lonely?”

学生証でどこでも行くよ!! I am going places with my student ID…..




I studied all weekend! 16 hours! I have finished 5 critiques and have 5 more to go. Even my desk is starting to look like an academic disaster zone!

I now have my official student card, with this I can get into all the buildings at Korea University. The busiest building at Korea University is the 24 hour reading room.時間 One thing I have noticed here is how hard Koreans students work! WOW! All lectures are held in Korean and English and to graduate from Korea University apart from meeting your requirements you need to pass TOEFL and a qualifying exam for Chinese characters. I don’t think Japan realises they are going under and the Korean tiger is starting to growl!!困った困った

南大門の絶品な刺身どんぶりと猛勉強の私 Great Sashimi donburi at Nandaemun and busy with study

最近ブログの更新が少なくて心配してメールを下さるくれる優しい友人がいます。ごめんなさい!実は勉強が忙しくて今日で13個目のレポートに突破!本当を言うと面白くてどんどん前に進んでいます。そしておばちゃん学生(お母さん学生?)が何かと若い学生の相談窓口のようなものになってしまいました。役に立つなら力になりましょう。その代わり皆さんが嫌な顔もせず私のPCに関する問題に積極的に関わって下さる。Give アンドtakeですね!



I haven’t had a whole lot of time for blogging. Some good friends have been worried and have been emailing me. Sorry! I’m fine I have just been busy with study. I am now onto my 13th report. I am way ahead, the truth is the literature for our courses are so interesting I just can’t put them down! I guess also when you get older other students see you as a sort of”mum”…..I have been spending a lot of time listening to problems of younger students BUT it has been give and take because they help me with my computer problems.

I just popped over to Namdaemun and found the most amazing “sashimi donburi” I have had in Seoul. I found it in the fish section. The soup accompaniment was the best fish soup I have ever had and apart from also being cheap the ladies were really sweet. I am going back again!

元カーター大統領が高麗大学で講演をされました!Jimmy Carter visited KU!!!



When I got to KU this morning I noticed an announcement that Jimmy Carter would be giving a lecture and be conferred with an honoury Doctrate from 4pm. I raced out of class  with a few not expecting to be admitted but we just kept on walking and guess whatBefore we knew it we were sitting in the auditorium listening to the 39 th President of the US giving a lecture on the Nuclear issue on the Korea peninsula. An amazing lecture. I can’t believe I got in so easily! We stayed on to see him leave, he jumped into the white van and was accompanied by 15 other black cars! Talk about conspicuous!

ネットワーク作りとグルメツアー Food and networking



A fun weekend with a culinary tour around the old areas of Seoul for expats that included a side trip to the famous Chicken Art Museum and a Makoli tasting. Now I have a few nice new places I can eat at….

I met lots of wonderjul people, it was a great way to network.

女同士で飲み会 A girls’ night out



Last night Prof. P took me out for drinks. She took me to the members bar in the British Embassy, there I met Australians who know people I know. I was introduced to a Professor from Sydney University and he very helpful in giving me advice regarding future studies.ウインク Later Prof P and I went out for Korean pancakes and Korean wine…..it was “girl’s talk” until very late…………..

アクセス数を上げるのに女性の裸を出すしかない!!For an increase in my blog access I have taken DRASTIC measures- I am going to blog about naked women!!




。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。The pace of study has really picked up. I can’t stay up late so I have been getting up at 4 in the morning to do my readings. It is tiring but I am enjoying myself so much!

Recently I have come to notice that there has been a rise in my blog access in the blog I referred to a *naked woman* and *Japan Post*. When the access to my blog hasn’t been stunning I have been a little despondent but now I know what to do! Every blog I’ll type in *naked* and I’ll be a famous blogger! Joke….

自然の力  Simple pleasures



Life as a graduate student has started with lots of bumps but I have made lots of great friends. In particular I have become friends with Prof. P who did her PhD at the ANU. She has been a great support to me. Today I dropped by her office to check out the orchid that has bloomed for a second year in a row. It was very beautiful……

パッケジが面白いと塩の多いこと! Interesting packaging and lots of salt!




There is a wonderful supermarket in the Korean Agricultural COOP. JM and I went to do a little shopping. A different style of packaging is always interesting- we liked the noodle package and were taken by the huge bags of salt on sale. I guess you need a lot of salt for kimchi?