号外!嬉しい知らせ! An exciting announcement!!

Keio University

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ちょっと 嬉しいお知らせ・・・・



Something good……..

Our youngest son has got into a graduate school at Keio University, Tokyo.

バンコクと出会いの不思議さ Bangkok and a special friendship


暑い、暑いタイに夫と一緒に行っていました。生きていると不思議な出会いもあります・・・・私は数年前に 作家であるニューヨーク出身の友人を通してある大手新聞の編集長に紹介をして貰いました。東京局長/編集長をしている彼女はオーストラリア人であり、交流を含まって行くと同時に私達は驚きの事実を分かりました・・・・私達の両親が私の母が生きている時に友達でした!!不思議な縁でしょう?彼女は 今年からバンコクに転勤をして「何時か来て・・・」との言葉に甘えて現地の経済調査を兼て、行って来ました。



観光に食事・・・ ショッピング・・・・楽しいバンコクでした。仕事の忙しさに時間を作ってくれた友人に大感謝・・・



I haven’t blogged for a while……..I haven’t been sick, I have just been away…..in Bangkok!!

Sometimes in life we have the most astonishing meetings with people. A few years ago, an author friend from NY, living in Tokyo introduced me to an Australian woman who is the Tokyo editor of a well-known international newspaper. We started emailing and getting together, then I find out through my father that her  parents and my parents were friends when my mother was alive!! Wow……….. and the person who introduced us was from NY! Anyway…. G is now working as editor in Bangkok and asked us to visit so we did…..

I haven’t visited South East Asia for a long time and this was my first time in Thailand. I was so excited!!We stayed in the Westin with an upgrade to a suite….nice!

We mainly used the sky trains and subways, ate, went sightseeing and shopped. G took us to two great restaurants, she is very busy but made time to have meals with us. It really makes a difference having a local show you around. Loved Thailand enough to want to go back…..

良い日でした・・A great day….

JPEG Sunflowers

Image via Wikipedia

今日は何となく良い日でした。朝は学術誌に出版希望の原稿とアブストラクト最終校正・・・後は勇気を持ってアップロードをして送信ボッタンを押すだけ・・・・出来るかしら?初めてだから ドキドキ・・・・

午後は鳥取の本通りLover of Nailsでの手入れ→http://nttbj.itp.ne.jp/0857236623/index.html?wq=Z451200


帰りにばったりと 長女の幼稚園の同級生のお母さんに会いました。何年ぶりだったかしら・・・・嬉しくて寒い道で立ち話・・・又会う約束をして 連絡先情報を交換して帰って来ました。 早速メール交換を始めました。

・・・今日、面識のない方から 突然 連絡があり、私の論文を読みたいとのリクエストがありました。どうして?取りあえず、まずはバックグラウンドチェックをしてから 決定・・・だってシドニー大学で盗作をされてから用心を・・・・


Today turned out to be a pretty good day. I finished completing all of the extras needed to go with the paper I want published in an academic journal….abstract, biography etc. Now….all I need is the courage to upload it and press “submit!” doing anything new takes courage.

This afternoon I went off to have my nails done at Lover of Nails-→http://nttbj.itp.ne.jp/0857236623/index.html?wq=Z451200

A great nail salon with considerate and friendly staff. On my way home I ran into one of the Mum’s whose son attended kindergarten with my daughter ( 27 years ago!)….it was great bumping into each other, we started to chat (until it got too cold), we swapped email addresses and have already started contacting each other. Can’t wait to get together and chat again…

Sometimes it isn’t too bad being “discovered”
Today, someone contacted me, telling me he is very interested in reading my dissertation and asking where he can buy a copy. Actually, rather delighted and honoured but first I am doing a background check as I am not as naive as I was before that student at Sydney University plagiarized my work. BTW…think that student got herself expelled….

雪と長男の出発 Snow and a son leaving home…


金曜日の夜 雪の中、伊丹経由で 長男が帰宅をしました、今日嵐のようにあの雪の中で韓国留学へ向けて出発して行きました。きちんとお別れが出来なくて少し無念・・・・・・寂しい!!このお休みは東京で1ヶ月半 インターンをしていました。
随分成長して帰って来ました。未だ、学生のうちに社会経験が出来て良かったです。昨夜は我が家で送別会をしてあげました。写真を撮る前に皆がはしを出してしまったので あまり綺麗に見えません・・・・でも、せっかくだから御披露をします・・・・・


Ever since I got back from NY I have been struggling with jetlag….going to bed at strange times and waking up late.

Today it is heavy snow again… I hate it but I am still smiling!!

On Friday night son 1. had to come home via Osaka Airport because of the snow.

He has been away doing an internship in Tokyo for the past 6 weeks. It seems like it was a very rewarding experience.

This morning it was snowing AGAIN when son left for his exchange year in Korea, it was a major effort to get out of the house, get into the car and wipe off all the snow………I didn’t have a chance to say a proper goodbye and now I am filled with remorse. But last night I cooked up a Korean feast (even though he is going to Korea) for his farewell dinner. Before I could take some pictures everyone started to eat but because I made a special effort I am still uploading the half eaten dishes with some pictures of the unwelcome snow…………..



しかし、昨年、空港で鏡にうつった自分の顔を見てショック受けました。日本で笑顔が少なすぎ, 言う資格がないと思った・・・私も笑顔がなくていました。


元旦に 「もっと笑顔で暮らそう」と決めました。すぐに効果が表れました。

朝、起きてから夜寝るまで自分に「笑顔、笑顔」と言い聞かせる・・・時々鏡の前で練習もします・・・私が笑顔をするとつい、明るいことを考える、何をするのも楽しくなる(きっと綺麗にも見える?)、そして 周囲の反応もすぐ感じました。笑顔で人を見ると 相手がびっくりして笑顔が帰って来ることも多いです。笑顔攻撃ですね!!!たまに男性は誤解をするけど それも楽しいことにしました・・・・

そして、この前、笑顔作戦を試しました。近所に 嫌なおじさんが住んでいます。何時も、私を睨みながら 私の行動を監視します。そこで・・・私が車に乗り、彼の姿を見ました。本来なら知らん顔して通りたいけど 笑顔で生活をすると決めた以上は選択肢がないでしょう??頑張りました。笑顔でおじさんを見ました・・・そうすると私の三倍の笑顔が変えて来ました!!びっくりした!!!和解かもね・・・・



You don’t very often see people smile in Japan, with the earthquake, the nuclear fall-out and the recession that has been going on AND on I guess there isn’t a whole lot to smile about? But at the end of the last year I caught a glimpse of my face in the mirror going through immigration……..who was I to talk? I wasn’t smiling either!! So, my resolution for this year (I know it is a little late telling you all now but I needed to put it to practice)…. Would be to smile more!! Now, almost 6 weeks into my resolution I have noticed a big difference in how I feel about myself and how people react.

First, when I am not smiling I remind myself…I start smiling when I get up and until I go to bed……the more I smile the happier I feel ( think I look prettier too…) and people smile back!!! On the odd occasion you have men who get the wrong idea but that puts a little bit of spice back into my life……..

The other day I put my smile to the test………..there is this totally revolting old man who lives in our neighbourhood, he loves to scowl and spy on us……I do my best to avoid him. I was driving in my car with my “best smile”, then I saw him……..I had to remind myself that my resolution to smile was not to be selective …..so like it or not, I smiled at him and he gave me the biggest ( nicest?)smile he could render!! Talk about reconciliation???? Easier than going to confession. Smile everyone! Not only will you look better, you will feel better and so will others!!!

長幼の礼は家庭の責任。Respect for elders is taught at home.

昨日のブログで飛行機の中で失礼なお譲さんのことを 私のフェースブックにも投稿しました。少し、びっくりしました。二人が日本の教育―ゆとり教育や日教組が悪いとか・・・・mmmmmmm??可笑しい!!何で学校が悪い??何で大事な道徳教育は学校任せになるの??子供の出来悪さは家庭が悪いに決まっている!!私は個人として、一切学校に子供を育って欲しいと言う気持ちがありませんでした。こんな大事なことを学校に任せるなんて考えられません。家庭から長幼の礼を自然に身に着くものと思います。日本の教育が悪いとの発言に根本的な原因があるのではないかと思います。学校にせいにする人達は家庭から自分の子供の教育を見逃しているはず・・・・



In my blog yesterday I referred to my unfortunate experience with a very disrespectful young Japanese woman. I also posted it in Japanese on Facebook ……I was quite surprised to have 2 people blame Japan’s education system………….WHAT??? Manners and respect for one’s elders are taught at home!! Not at school. It is easy to just shift the blame rather than taking responsibility. I suspect that those who blame the Japanese schools are those who are actually accountable for not rearing their own children in a responsible manner.

As a student I have enjoyed mixing with younger people. They have also taught me a lot, however respect for someone older is an entirely different matter…..

NYで出会った可愛い子供達達 The little angels I met in NY.




4歳と6歳の子供たちがとっても可愛くて、活発で可愛くて、小さいなりに礼儀正しく、会えてうれしかったです。私と夫に お婆ちゃんー할머니、お爺ちゃんー할아버지と呼ばれて我が家の次女、次男が馬鹿笑いしました・・・・その後に自分たちがおばさん、おじさんと言われショックを受けたようです!!

長幼の礼は日本にないでしょうか。NYから帰りの便に他の人と同様に席を倒しました。すると・・・後部座席が私の席を叩いて来た・・・・覗いてみると 22歳ぐらいのお譲さんでした。「少しなら良い」と言われ、びっくりしました!冗談じゃないよ。攻撃しました。どうして・・・年上の私(首にヘルニア持ち)が彼女のむちゃくちゃな言うことを聞く必要か?結果的に 席の後ろを数回蹴られ、無視しました。韓国やオーストラリアなら 長幼の礼は未だあります。当然のことでしょう??? 日本の学校教育が悪いとの意見もあるけど このように年長者を敬わないことは 間違えなく 家庭教育に責任がある・・・・・

4歳と6歳の可愛い「孫たち」がきちんと 挨拶が出来るのは やはり家庭教育がしっかりされているからでしょうね・・・・・


Back from NY. This year is supposed to be warmer than usual but the cold wind made the warmer temperatures seem a little colder…..

This time we visited JM’s nephew and family who recently immigrated to NY. JM’s nephew’s wife is 7 months pregnant but she cooked us a wonderful Korean lunch. Their little girls were soooo sweet! At 4 and 6 they still had wonderful manners and were  very respectful. Our kids thought it was really funny when we called grandma-할머니and grandpa-할아버지…that was until they got called “auntie and uncle” ….haha.

Then on the plane on the way back I had a very strange experience. I reclined my economy seat and the person behind me knocked it back…. Confused, I put my seat up and then the person in front of me reclined his seat…..I started to feel sick and wondered how (and why) I was going to sit with little space, arthritis in my neck for 14 hours……….I looked around to see that the person who wouldn’t let me recline my seat was about  22 years old, a nice looking young Japanese woman. I asked her if she understood Japanese (a question that annoys Japanese people because they don’t want to look Chinese or Korean)….she said “you may recline just a little”, what the heck??? I told her I would be reclining, the whole event was making me feel nauseous….I guess she knew she had lost but kicked the back of my seat at least 3 times during the flight……

How about respect for someone older??? Doesn’t that exist in Japan anymore?

If two sweet little girls can be respectful to their seniors why can’t a 22 year old “nice looking young woman” do the same?? It has to do with manners taught at home.

忙しい日々と学術誌 Busy days and academic journals

English: Main Building and Great Hall of The U...

Image via Wikipedia


しかし、少し、楽しいことは 大雪の日の夜、笹すしに行きました。


もうすぐ、夫の誕生日と言うこともあり、笹すしの女将さんが 誕生ケーキまで用意してくれて、ささやかなお祝いをさせて頂きました・・・・

私の誕生日じゃないのに 私の大好物のアワビまで出して貰い・・・・嬉しかった!!!



Return from Paris +jetlag+ 60cm of snow+ a business trip to Gifu and Nagoya has left me feeling a tad tired and overwhelmed.

Despite the snow, the night before we left for Nagoya we went for Sushi…always love sushi after a trip away from Japan. It will be JM’s birthday soon and the owner of Sasa sushi prepared a birthday cake. It wasn’t my birthday but my favourite dish- abalone was ordered just for me…..nice!!

Yesterday, I finally started working on an article I would like to have published in an academic journal. It seems I need to change my references to footnotes. Another new challenge but I need to publish. I received a high distinction for this essay at Sydney University and it was suggested it is good enough to publish. I will just have to try my best ………….




Our garden is white with snow, very pretty but I hate it. Hubby is away, I have a morning appointment and haven’t got a clue how I am going to get out. HELP!!!!

ショック・・・悲しい What a shock….our favourite cake shop closed down!!

ショック!!!私達が常連として通った 世界一番美味しいケーキ屋の


偶々、昨日が社員のお誕生会で 私達が最後の客となりました。



Unbelievable….our favourite cake shop has closed down. They made the BEST cake ever!! Lindenbaum closed its doors yesterday on 31st January. We have been their customers for 29 years………….for every birthday in our family, large and small company events we ordered their cake. “Fortunately “yesterday was our employee’s birthday party and I got to say goodbye and eat their fantastic cake one more time. We will miss Lindenbaum and its kind owners terribly.