外国人の名前を笑いものにしないで!!Don’t ridicule forienger’s names….

ただね・・・どうして日本人は外国人の名前がカタカナで書いてあってもきちんと読もうとしないの??ロマジなら複雑で難しいけど カタカナですよ・・・病院で名前の途中から呼ばれ 誰のことか分かりませんでした・・・・どうも私でした・・・でも・・・きちんとカタカナで読むように指導したら ちゃんと呼んでくれました!やった!だって・・・・私だって 先祖から頂いた大事な名前があります・・・・面白く可笑しくめんどくさくして欲しくないです・・・・
ところで 足は少しヒビがあるけど今回の怪我か以前の怪我が微妙らしいです・・・と言うことでちゃんとしたサポータをして、運動靴を履くように言われました・・・
ダーリンの顔を見れば 痛みが減ったかもね??
I just got back from the doctor. Thanks very much to the kindness of the doctor and his nurses my traumatic doctor’s visit is over……
But really? Why can’t Japanese try to read foreigner’s names even when they are written in Japanese? Someone was called and I didn’t know it was me, I inquired later and the nurse told me that she read the second half of my name….well? Who the hell is that? I explained that it was written in Japanese and she could try….so she did! But, I do have a name I have proudly inherited from my ancestors and I don’t like it being a focus for ridicule…..
It seems I have a little fracture, but it may be a previous sprain or from this time. In any case I have a supporter for my ankle and I have been told to wear joggers….
Maybe just having JM around has helped me out??

繰り返しで学習・・・Re-reading articles.

自宅に帰って来ました。昨日、研究に大変応援して下さっている方が自宅を訪ねて下さいました。嬉しかった!以前、 ソニア・リャン(梁順)博士が書かれた「コリアン・デアスポラ」を差し上げました。内容に感銘を受けられたそうで、筆者にお手紙を出したいとの ことでした。リャン(梁順)博士は私の友人の友人で 早速メールを送りました。
繰り返し、繰り返しの学習はこう 言うことだ・・・・論文を書き出す前に大量の書籍や学術論文や本を読みました(どんなに読んでも足りないけど・・・・)そこで当初 読んだものをもう一度 読み直すことにしました。びっくりですね。分かったつもりでしたけど 別な観点から考え直しました・・・・・
Home….. yesterday one of my favourite people who has been assisting me with my research came to visit. I recently gave him Sonia Ryang’s book the Korean Diaspora.
It seems he was so impressed with the book he wants to send her a letter. Prof Ryang is a friend of a friend so we will see what we can do…….
When I first started my research I read LOTS( but it is never enough), I have now gone back and started reading the original articles. To my great surprise my interpretation has changed. Goes to show that repetition never hurts.
My ankle….the swelling and bruising has gone down but it still throbs something awful. It is making me really irritable…so, is that why JM raced off to work???

金大中大統領の気の入りレストランで二人きりでミノ・・・ Two for Korean BBQ at Pres. Kim’s favourite restaurant.

ソウルの最後の夜は 二人のお気に入りのミノを食べに行きました。以前、金大中大統領が月に一度必ず訪れたそうです・・・ちなみに大統領席に座りました!格別の美味しかったかもね・・・・
。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。Our last night in Seoul we went to our favourite BBQ restaurant for intestines….yummmm. This restaurant was also Pres. Kim Dae Jung’s favourite place….we even got to sit in his favourite seat!!

痛い足、大雨のソウル、焼肉。A sore foot, rainy Seoul and Korean BBQ.

ソウルで ダーリンと 合流した途端に 大雨が降り出しました。
足は徐々に痛みが減り、少し歩いています。しかし、腫れと足中に広がる色が悪いので 気持ちが悪いので写真をアップしません・・・自分の足じゃないみたい・・・・
久しぶりに旅行者気分でソウルに来たら 良いですね。友人と会ったり、大好きな韓国料理と食べたり、大満足です。昨夜は ダーリンの従弟と焼肉を食べに行った・・・・
As soon as JM arrives it starts to rain….like big time!
My ankle is getting better day by day but I will not be uploading any more grotesque pictures from now on as it looks terrible…..
Seoul is great to visit as a tourist once again, have been catching up with friends, eating all my favourite Korean ( and Western) food, last night we went out for Korean BBQ with JM’s cousin… nice. More to come tonight!

車椅子でインチョン空港通過・・A trip through Incheon aiport in a wheelchair….

今度は足首にすごいねんざをしてしまった・・・昨日は論文のためにわずか 2段落しか書けなかったけど理論二つ入れ込む大満足のものでした・・・・ウキウキして3階の部屋(私の書斎?)から降りて最後の階段を・・・・ええ?そんなものあったの?と・・・・ドーンと倒れた。痛い、動けない+一人!どうしようと考えながら ゆっくり起き上がりはって部屋に帰った。痛いよ!
と言うことで 今は ソウルです。凄い 腫れだけど若干歩けるのを 有りがたいことに・・・・一人で米子まで運転しました!出発前に 怪我グーズを購入するために薬局に寄りました。インチョン空港でなんと 車椅子を用意してくれました・・入管も税関もは早い、早い
皆さん ボーとしたら ダメですよ!!ちゃんと 足も見て歩きましょうね!!
Lately I seem to be writing a lot about injuries….well, here is something new. Last night I fell down the stairs and sprained my ankle. Yesterday I had a really good day….I only wrote 2 paragraphs for my thesis but I managed to combine both the theories I want to use….so deluded me just missed the last stair! Well done! I couldn’t move when I realized what I had done and now the swelling is quite serious. But the good thing is I can walk….. I am now in Seoul, I didn’t think I could manage it, but I drove to Yonago….at Incheon airport they organized a wheel chair for me! Nice!! The fastest way to get through immigration and customs!
Think we should all be aware of our limitations!!

国会図書館と丸ビルでランチ/ The National Diet library and lunch at Maru building.

娘が一緒に泊まってくれました。週末、彼女は会社の方々と一緒に岩手に行って来てボランテアをして来ました。悲惨なことを見て、被害者と話して 感動して帰ったそうです。そのような貴重な体験をさせて下さる会社に感謝・・・・
丸ビルで働く娘とお昼デートをして ローズベーカリで食べました。美味しかった・・・・
高級取りの娘が払ってくれる(?)と少しばっかり期待をしましたけど 私の財布からでした・・・・
A busy day, last night daughter stayed over in the hotel. She has just returned from a trip to Iwate where she volunteered with her workmates over the weekend. What she saw may have changed her life.
Early this morning I headed off the National Diet Library where I joined and I got to visit the archive room……….wow! I can actually check out the GHQ archives! I’ll definitely be going back, everyone was so helpful.
Lunch with daughter in Marunouchi at Rose Bakery, very nice. I thought my rich daughter might want to pay but it was me….oh well, can’t expect miracles.
The Marunouchi area has really changed. Lucky daughter working in Maru Biru……
Then I raced off to the Mindan library where I was able to find lots of great sources for my research…also had a looong chat to the librarian,a very rewarding day!!

那覇への日帰り旅行 A day trip to Okinawa….

Okinawa in a day….what a pity. Next time I am staying longer!

根性が足りないスーちゃん I need to toughen up…..

私のIフォンです!お子ちゃま 携帯と縁が切れ・・・この格好良いIフォンを使う自分が大好き!難しいと思っていたけどPCと思って使えば何とかなる・・・・・
岐阜の最終日に名古屋まで出かけて 可愛い義理妹とデートしました。懐かしいお話やご馳走を食べて岐阜に名鉄に乗り岐阜に帰りました。たった25分で早いですね。
I am now the proud owner of an Iphone….I gave the kid’s phone back. Cool!! It actually isn’t as hard as I expected it would be, if you consider it more of a PC than a phone it isn’t too bad.
On my last day in Nagoya I had a date with my sister- in – law who has lived there for 7 years…..nice to catch up. Then I took the Meitetsu train back to Gifu- only 25 minutes-not bad again!
But the rest….. JM’s friend says you need to be tough to keep up with JM…. Too much travelling, too much eating, too much drinking and too much of watching my Ps and Qs has left me feeling totally exhausted. I just can’t do it like I used to…..
A big thanks also to K san who drove all the way home for us in the wee hours of the morning…..
PS. I forgot to mention- it was nice going away with JM….

鶴橋・・残念!水曜日が定休日!The shops in Osaka’s Korea town are closed on Wednesdays…..

大阪に出張・・・時間があるので気づきがあるのではないかと思い 鶴橋に行ってきました・・・・残念!水曜日はお休みだそうです・・・・あれだけ張り切ったのに!その後は心斎橋に散歩・・人の多いこと!
。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。A business trip to Osaka….I thought I would be an “ethnographer” for a few hours so I took myself off to Tsuruhashi…..NO! Everything is closes on Wednesday. Dammm! So I took myself off to Shinsai bashi….people, people AND more people! In the evening we caught up with an old friend for dinner, loved the Korean food but again….I didn’t have to drink that much.

社員の誕生会 Employee’s birthday party

Our employees birthday party- we have been holding these parties for about 7 years now. Wow…everyone is growing up.
Thank you for waiting for my return so we can hold the party together……