突然 悲しいお話 A sad story….

今日、悲しいお話を聞きました。他の3級のクラスに70代の日本人女性が単独で韓国に勉強に来ていました。凄いな・・・と思っていました。お手洗いで何回もお顔を拝見してタイミングを見てお話をしたいと思っていました。遅かったです。数日前にお一人で突然部屋で亡くなったそうです。大使館の方が来たりして未だご遺体が病院に安置されているそうです。一人ものだったかしら? 本当に凄い人でした・・・・



Today I heard a sad story- there was a 70ish Japanese woman in one of the other 3rd level classes…. I saw her a few times in the WCs and thought I would say hello when the right time came, I was full of admiration for her studying alone in Korea at her age. I heard today that she died a few days ago!! I heard that the embassy has been informed but her body is still in the hospital ….maybe she was single? Very sad ….. she does have my utmost respect….

Rest in peace….

貧困の国に肥満な後継者?金正雲の顔写真・・・ A new fat leader for a starving country? Kim Jong Un…



Japan takes great pleasure in reporting and reporting and reporting on North Korea. This is a strategy to divert Japanese people’s discontent with the country in creating fear of North Korea. Not fair!! But in the last 2 or 3 days North Korea has been big in the news here with the announcement of the new heir apparent. I just saw his picture….he is fat and ugly! How come? In a country where the majority are starving it is right to elect a guy with a weight problem to a superior post?

カイロプラクターに行ってきました・・・もっと早く行けば良かった・・・I went to see a Chiropractor, should have gone a long time ago….

長い間 首の痛みに耐えてきました。昨日(やっと)紹介して頂いたカイロプラクタのクリニックに行ってきました。先生はNYでカイロプラクターの博士を取られた信頼出来る方で やはり首は酷い状態になっていました。

診察をして頂き、長い間痛みに耐えたため痛みが発生する時に体が出すホルモンで毒素として体に残っていると言われオイルの全身マッサージ→ピラテス体操→骨をボキボキと整体して貰って→3時間!!韓国 残りの間に週 一回行き 整体と自分で出来る体操を習う予定です・・・・やっと行く決心がついて良かったです。首の骨がどんどんまがりだして大変なことになりそうでした。不思議なことですがトリトメントが終了すると顔つやの良いこと!!やはり痛みに耐えていました!頑張ります。


My neck has been causing great pain for a long time. Yesterday I finally got my act together and took myself off to see a chiropractor, he has trained in NY and has a PhD….so I guess he knows what he is doing? As I expected my condition is not that good….

I had an initial consultation; I have a buildup of toxins in my body as a result of the hormones released when I am in pain, I had an Aroma massage to help release the toxins; pirates exercise instructions, a treatment with the chiropractor and lots of cracking at the end. When I looked at my face at the end I had a real glow! It must be from the release of the toxins?? I will be going back once a week for the remainder of my time here and learn about self management.

せっかちな韓国人で助かるときもあります。 Koreans do everything in a hurry but sometimes it is nice.



しかし、そのせっかちな性格のおかげで昨晩 助かりました。インチョン空港には9時過ぎに到着をしました。着いたら皆さんは駆け足で早く入管に向かった。出入国管理の職員も早く帰りたいので全員 早く通してくれました。荷物も早く出来た・・・税関も早く通してくれた・・・そして一番嬉しかったのはバスの運転手!!早く帰りたい彼は皆さんの降りるところを前もって聞き 近道して早く早く行き先につれて行ってくれました!そうしたら住まいに着いたら遅いから管理人が心配してくれていて早くから荷物を部屋に入れました!今日は疲れたので今夜は早く寝よう!!!考え中


Koreans hate to do things SLOWLY. The word “bali bali”( quickly) is a very common word.時間

Last night I did appreciate this facet of Korean people’s personalities.

I arrived at Incheon Airport after 9. Everyone walked ( ran?) QUICKLY to the immigration desks, the officers wanted to go home EARLY so they QUICKLY processed us, our bags came out QUICKLY then the customs officers processed us QUICKLY. I really appreciated the bus driver….he wanted to go home EARLY so he asked us where we all wanted to alight the bus and he drove very QUICKLY….thank you!! Then I arrived at my hotel and the I could see the staff were worried because I was LATE, they did mention they had put my bags in my room EARLY….

I am feeling very tired today so I plan to have a QUICK bath and retire EARLY.キョロキョロ

松茸パーテイーは大成功でした? A great success of a party….matsutake!!

5泊6日の鳥取帰りはア ア アと言う間に終わりました。
Wow! 5 nights and 6 days at home went really quickly! I had one day when I felt so tired I couldn’t lift a finger but there were lots of good things that happened… It started with a reunion with a good friend, a birthday party for employees, an introduction to an employee’s fiance, some great sushi ( Sasa sushi) and finished with a party for 80 with Matsutake mushrooms….thanks to the kind help of lots of employees and friends it was a great success. I am now at Narita on my way back to Seoul…..I can’t wait to get back to school tomorrow……

鳥取までの遠いこと It takes a long time to get back to Tottori….

I just realised I haven’t had time to do a blog entry….I am still alive and kicking so do not worry!
I was told that I would need to take the subway to Gimpo Airport on Tuesday as Seoul turns into a Ghost town during Chuseok. Not much fun having to drag heavy bags down stairs with neck and shoulder problem. It just started to rain and I was dreading going outside when there was a taxi standing waiting!! I arrived at the airport in 25 minutes and got to relax in the lounge before departure. Gimpo →Haneda→Izumo where I met up with JMLOVE….on the 3 hour trip home we stopped off for Kaiten sushi….I love Japan! So my journey home turned into a 14 hour trip. No wonder I feel tired考え中! On Saturday we are entertaining 70 people…I hope I can do it…..but it will be nice to meet everyone again.

秋の青い空+トンボ=幸せ! A blue sky+dragon flies= happiness




I went off on a Korea Cultural Foundation tour to the Hwaseong Fortress and the Chosen Royal tombs. Both areas that would have been difficult to visit on my own so a tour with great people was a perfect option.

The sky was blue and there were dragon flies in flight….Autumn is here!

ソウルの朝6時は未だ暗いです。Still dark here at 6am….




Japan and Korea both share the same time zones. In a large country like Australia we have 3 time zones. To the west of Japan 6 am in Korea seems a little dark to me. What do you think??? Picture is taken from my room at 6am…

三清洞の魅力を忘れていました。I forgot how wonderful Samcheondong is….


しかしMENUを見て私達は混乱しました。Organic drunken rice と書いてあるのを当然お酒たくさん入っているリゾットと思いました・・・・聞いてみたらマッコリでした・・・



Last night I met up with an Australian friend in Sancheondong. I hadn’t been there for quite sometime as all I ever did when I was at Korea University was study…. In the few months I haven’t been there it has turned into an even more delightful place to visit. We went to a lovely restaurant that specializes in Organic foods. There was something on the menu that did confuse us though…”organic drunken rice”, we thought it might be some yummy risotto with lots of alcohol in it?? Wrong…it turned out to be Korean traditional rice wine…..