楽観主義者になれますように・・・Trying to be an optimist.

The New York Times logo

The New York Times logo (Photo credit: Wikipedia)



記事を読んでいくと 私も出来ることを見つけました。研究者によると 一日の終わりに その日にあった 三つの良いことを書き込めば 毎日が良い終わりが出来る。

今日は二日目です。昨日と今日の良いことを反省しながら 良い眠りに入る・・・・・


Yesterday a young friend sent me an interesting article from the New York Times

regarding the importance of being optimistic. The writer even goes as far as suggesting on acting first and then the right feelings are supposed to follow.  “Fake it until you make it.”  Why not?? It is a start.
Researchers recommend taking a few minutes at the end of each day to write down three positive things that happened that day, ending the day on an upbeat note.

So I started yesterday…….so far, so good. Even an uneventful day ends on a nice note. A great start to the end of the day!!!A Richer Life by Seeing the Glass Half Full

変な英語を使わないで!! Stop using crappy English in Japan….PLEASE

"Skeleton of human (1) and gorilla (2), u...

“Skeleton of human (1) and gorilla (2), unnaturally stretched.” Size: 4.9 x 5.5 in² (12.4 x 13.9 cm²) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

以前から 気になることがあり、ブログで投稿することにしました。と言うか言わせて貰い。


まず、美しい日本語を使わず、笑われる(馬鹿にされる?)ような 英語をどうして 使いますか。 最近、特に 気になることはhumanの使い方。human の意味は人間ですね。

ある大学のモットは smart and human…. 変なの!! 賢いと人間????どうして???その大学で 母国語が英語の教師もいらしゃるのに・・・どうして????

笑っちゃう! 馬鹿みたい・・・・ そして、鳥取市内に Haradian Human Place と言うビルがあります。その持ち主は確かに 原田さん、でも彼は 元英語の先生……

自分の名前の後に「ian」を付けてどうつもり???国???Human Place?? ええ??人間の場所??? 当然なことでしょう????そして、今日・・・・又、見ました!! 今度はHuman Living…….ええ??人間が生きている???当たり前でしょう???

変!変and 変!!日本語を使って下さい! 英語をきちんと使えないなら辞めて欲しい・・・・不愉快です。


There is something that has been bothering me for a long time about the Japanese use of English…….it is pathetic, it makes no sense and I am sick of it…

Lately the use of words like human has gone too far.

A university uses a moto: smart and human………..What do they actually mean? You would think with English native speakers on their faculty they could have consulted someone??  In Tottori there is a building called Haradian Human Place. The owner- Harada san used to be an English school teacher….give me a break?? What is a human place?? We assume that humans live in the building. And today I saw this: human living……… give me a BIG break!!! Of course we are living….we ARE humans!!!

Japanese is a beautiful language….so why use incorrect English when something more appropriate could be used in JAPANESE!!!

家庭料理で80人の接待 Home cooking and entertaining 80 people


今回は軽井沢から帰宅して、準備に一日しかなかった・・・朝、4時半に起き、食事を作りました。9時と11時から応援団が来てくれて13時の来客までなんとか 間に合いました。昨年は春と秋のパーティに居なかったので 久しぶりに私の手作り料理に皆さんが喜んで下さり、本当に嬉しかったです。何も当たり前になるとありがたさを忘れる???今回、お外のお手伝いに若い業者さんが今までにないぐらい頑張って下さり、私は非常に楽でした。ありがとうございました。


Today I am feeling very tired. No need to worry because it is just a normal reaction to a lot of work. Yesterday I cooked for 80 people. 70 guests and 10 very kind helpers…..

We had just returned from Karuizawa so I only had a day to prepare. Up at 4.30 am to start cooking. Help arrived at 9am and 11am (thank you!!)…then the guests all arrived at 1pm… last year I was absent for two parties….that meant that there was no home cooking and hubby had to resort to pretty basic stuff ( no he didn’t get a cater)….so

Everyone seemed to be happy with my cooking. Goes to show that sometimes you do get taken for granted and people forget how lucky they are?? Also like to say how much I appreciated all of the help……. Thank you folks!!

常識なんて要らない?Who needs common sense???

2 Hell with Common Sense

2 Hell with Common Sense (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Common Sense logo, high resolution version.

Common Sense logo, high resolution version. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)









常識 は通常のことではなさそう・・・・朝から腹が立つことばかり・・・・・m9(^Д^).

学歴より常識が大事と 思いますけど・・・・


You know….common sense isn’t very COMMON any more……..a frustrating morning. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

私達と三幸園の35年の歴史 Our 35 year old history with Sankoen in Azabu Juban

Azabu-juban 0154

Azabu-juban 0154 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

軽井沢からレンタカーで東京に戻り、慶應大学院に通いだしたばかりの息子を誘い 私達が35年以上 通続けている 麻布十番にある 三幸園でお昼を食べました。三幸園


・・・・After Karuizawa we met up with our baby son ( a new grad student at Keio University) and went to Sankoen in Azabu Juban, Tokyo- Korean BBQ restaurant we have been going to for over 35 years.

33年ぶりの軽井沢訪問 My first visit to Karuizawa in 33 years….

Location of Karuizawa, Nagano, Japan

Location of Karuizawa, Nagano, Japan (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

時間が経つの早いこと(?)……33年ぶりに 軽井沢に行って来ました。

今回は 軽井沢で開催された盛和塾例会のためでした。例会の夜は プリンスホテルのキャビンで泊まり、翌朝は敷地内の中で散策しました。空気が良いし、自然もあるし、素晴らしいところでした。

33年前は父が駐日大使をしていた時、毎年 夏に家族で 大使館の別荘で泊まり、東京より涼しい夏を過ごしました。プリンス側の軽井沢は 別の町のような気がします。しかし、旧軽井沢と 中軽井沢はあまり変わっていないような 気がしました・・・・



Time flies….I just visited Karuizawa. Haven’t been there for over 33 years!!!

This time we went to Karuizawa to attend a Seiwa Juku meeting. The meeting was held at the Karuizawa Prince Hotel and we stayed in a cabin on the grounds. I am guessing that most accommodation is cabin style- top class with bathrooms and air conditioning…none of that camping stuff. The next morning we took off for a walk in the grounds, it is a lot cooler than Tokyo and the air is clean and you can hear birds chirping all over the place. Just beautiful……..

33 years ago I used to go and stay in Karuizawa during the summer when my father was Ambassador to Japan. The Prince Hotel side has altered the dynamics of Karuizawa and if you don’t cross the train line you might be tempted to think that Karuizawa IS the Prince Hotel! But if you venture into the old Karuizawa you will find it hasn’t changed much and it still retains its old characteristics with shops and restaurants for the tourists and lots of cottages owned by Tokyoites.

The photos I took are taken inside the Prince Hotel grounds.

This is what we ate in Italy….イタリアで食べたご馳走・・・



A taste of what we ate in Italy…………

イタリア旅行 Our trip to Italy

scheme and measures of the Leaning Tower of Pisa.

scheme and measures of the Leaning Tower of Pisa. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

父がフィレンゼで 数週間マンションを借りている事で 遊びに行って来ました。実を言うと 結婚32年で初めて父と旅行しました。嬉しかった!ダーリンと次女、次男、ミラノに入り車を借りて 色々な町を寄りながらフィレンゼに入りました。久しぶりのヨーロッパの春が綺麗でした。フィレンゼで二日過ごし、親孝行をして、ピサの斜塔を見に行き、感激!!想像以上に素晴らしいもので、ピサの町の人々も優しくほのぼのとした感じでした。ジェノバまで車で走り、やはり、港街のためか 少しがらを悪く感じました。終日はミラノからスイスに入りルツルンを見てからコモ湖に戻り、カーフェリーでベラジオまで渡り、コモ湖に面したレストランで夕食を頂きました。幸せな旅でした・・・



Dad is renting an apartment in Florence for a few weeks, so we (JM, daughter 2 and son 2) thought we would check out how they are faring. I have been married for 32 years and this is the first trip I have had with my father…….very much overdue!! We flew into Milan, rented a car and drove through Parma, Bologna on our way to Florence. We spent two full wonderful days in Florence, mostly on our feet. I wouldn’t recommend  driving into Florence….the streets in the city are hell to get around!! Then off we went to see the Leaning Tower of Pisa….I wasn’t disappointed. It was amazing. Everyone in the tower areas was walking around with big grins, the police were extremely friendly and the food wasn’t even expensive, something you would expect in such a tourist mecca like Pisa. Next on our itinerary was Genova. I would say it is a tad tough after Florence. We did have a problem navigating ourselves around, maybe we will try it again on another trip. On our last day we drove into Luzern in Switzerland from Milan( the kids said they didn’t want to go but when they arrived they were amazed at the beauty) and finished off with dinner at the Bellagio on the Como Lake……….how could it get any better than that???

Home now, will I be able to sleep tonight??? That is the question!!!

イズラム社会の女性の悲しい現実? How half a population can just fade out of sight……..

イェメンの写真家Boushra alMutawakelがこの衝撃的な写真を通して、イズラムの社会でどんどん存在感を無くす女性を強調します。非常に悲しい・・


Yemeni photographer Boushra alMutawakel illustrates how women slowly become invisible in conservative Muslim societies. This is truly sad.

食べたかった笹すし Sasa sushi in Tottori

Location of Tottori Tokyo=Metropolis

Location of Tottori Tokyo=Metropolis (Photo credit: Wikipedia)



ちょっと飲み過ぎたかも分かりませんけど 幸せでした・・・・


I really needed a fix of Japanese food. Last night I went out for sushi with JM. Sasasushi in Tottori. I love the trends in fusion trends in Japanese food. How could it get any better than this???

Too much sake, but only a few regrets……..